About Us
Our Board
Board Members
Adam Jesudason, Alison Chandler, Charlie Ganz, Courtney Ward, Gavin McCullough, Kevin Crispin, Kristen Nelson, Kyle Simpson, Lisa Steen, Megyn Neff, Veronica Murillo, Ligaya Manalastas
Honorary Board Members
Billy Bob Thornton, Nate Nathan, Neko Case, Juan Mendez and the late Barry Crimmins
Kristen Nelson
Vice President
Jay Wiggins
Ramiro Calderon
Tonia Smith
Thanks to our school, family, and community partners
We would like to extend our gratitude and recognize the partners who contribute their time, efforts, and resources to Peer Solutions. We are all Peers, and together, we are all the Solution!
Current Funders
Arizona Community Foundation, Arizona Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence (ACESDV) Arizona Department of Health Services, Arizona Governors Office Child Abuse Prevention License Plate Fund, Arizona Republic: Season for Sharing, Arrival Artists, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC), City of Tempe, Maricopa County Attorney’s Office, Maricopa County, Social Venture Partners Arizona and Arizona Charitable Tax Credit
Business Supporters
CIBO, Crescent Ballroom, Diamondback Cares, Duck & Decanter, Green Vegetarian/Nami, Nate Nathan & Assoc, Noble Beast, Starbucks, Tarbell’s, The Vig
Summer Youth Program Collaborators
Arizona Community Foundation, The Arizona Republic's Seasons for Sharing, BHHS Legacy Foundation, Helios Education Foundation, Hinckley Family Foundation, J.W. Kieckhefer Foundation, Margaret T. Morris Foundation, Nina Mason Pulliam Charitable Trust, Peoria Diamond Club, Phoenix Suns Charities, The Steele Foundation, Thunderbirds Charities, and The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust
Don Adams
Pam Allen
Jamie Aiken
Alex Alverez
Iya Affo
Cordelia Anderson
Richard Andrade
Dominic Armstrong
Irais Arreola
Laura Atwell
Mary Anna Bastin
Nick Bastin
Nancy Bagnato
Donna Bartos
Erick Bello
Ginny Belousek
Alan Berkowitz
Yolanda Bejarano
Judy Clancy Benitez
Isela Blanc
Paul Boyer
Kate Brophy-McGee
The Damon Brasch Family
Margaret Brome
Carolina Butler
Walker Butler
Neko Case
Ramiro Calderon
Lindsay Cates
The Chandler Family
Stephen Chilton
Catherin Colaw
Susan Conner
Barry Crimmins
Jordan Darby
Joann Del-Colle
Diana Dexter
Marci Diamond
Eric Dueppen
Kris Eberle
Jesus Espinoza
Connie and Mickey Ferrall
Walt Favre
Denise Ferguson
Brian Flatgard
Rachel Flotard
Betsy & Charlie Ganz
The Kate Glenn Family
Corinne Graffunder
Goldman Family
Bobcat Goldthwait
Kate Hamm Family
Gary & Helen Janisch
Peggy Kirch
Kevin Krispin
Elizabeth Gonzales
Lydia Guy
John Haas
Kate Hanley
Dorothy Hastings
Carol & Bill Hensell
Sandy Hoffman
Suzanne Hurley
Kristen Irving
Emma Ison
Suzanne Jameson
Kathleen Judge
Adam Jesudason
Maurine Karabatsos
Natalie Kelly
Marijo Kist
Karen Lang
Hannah Larson
Rebeca Lee-Pethel
Sharyn Logue
Jessica Luchenta
David Lujan
Ashley Maier
Mark Mannes
Marie Marasovich
Andrea Martinez
Jason Mathews
Carolyn McBurney
Juan Mendez
Lexi Meinhold
Randy Mettler
Karen Moses
Veronica Murillo
Brenden Murphy Families
Nate Nathan
Kim D. Nations
Laura Neff
Megyn Neff
Kristen Nelson
Natalie Neer Hart
Robert Nolan
Jeremy Olson Family
Fernando Pinal
Megan Pepple
Mary Peralta
Brad Perry
Pollard Family
Poole Family
Tom Prezelski
Jon Rauhouse
Michele Reagan
Eileen Recktenwald
Shya Reeves
Rich Richey
Tess Ridgway
Shauna Robinette
Freddy Roman
Lindsay Romasanta
Debbie Ruggles
Jodi Ryan
Athena Salman
Sonia Sandavol
Gloria Scheeland Family
Kyrsten Sinema
Amanda Scott-Thomas
Shannon & Chip Scutari
Dania Simpson
Kyle Simpson
Tyra Simpson
Tonia Smith
Grant Standiff
Mariah Stidham
The Deanna Stout Family
Lisa Steen
Gayle Stringer
Leah Swanton
BJ Tatro
Chris and Jenesis Tellez
Mary Thompson
Billy Bob Thornton
Shana Tobkin
Brian Trinidad
Tim and Katie Tuten
Marsha Vallee Family
Collin Veenstra
Jason Verlinde
James Wade
Courtney Ward
Abe Wandersman
Stephanie West
Jocelyn Wheaton
Elizabeth Whitesell
BJ & Ellis Wiggins
Tiffany Wilkinson
The Wilson Family
Jay Wiggins & Carrie Wheeler
Jerry Wissink
Terry Wogan
Tara Wolf
Susan Wolf
Mary Wrobel
Eileen Yellin
Daphne Young
By and for the community.
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